Wednesday, 28 January 2015

December 16th 2014: The attack on APS Peshawar

Blinding sirens rang,
Hearts wept

The world was still,
Eyes wide
fingers shaking

Peshawar burned,
while those monsters laughed,

Mothers, fathers broken,
their angels departed
their strength shattered,
their world destroyed,

All was black,
The blood of 141 coloured,

Fear struck
shock and dismay attacked,
Pakistan's future burned,
The inhuman rejoiced.

We watched,
Our hearts broken

Our laughter killed,
Our children stolen,

We had failed,
And our failure was black

Thursday, 22 January 2015

The battle between Serenity and Violence

Stepping out, many things are visible:
the sky, a gorgeous azure,
The clouds floating gracefully,
like candy floss, tickling each other,
The wind blows through you,
pushing you behind

The pavement rough, uneven
footsteps sinking in the holes below,
The cars whiz by, their tires screeching,
the silence of the land and air is broken
the delicacy of nature is broken
by the harshness of creation

Walking forwards, the sun peeks in,
its rays decorating the verdant leaves,
The wind takes over once more,
brushing pollution aside,
the green grass of Victoria
dancing to the beat,

They battle,
A battle that never ends