The year 2015 has brought about a new surge of hate in today's world. Switching on any news channel or social media website, you are bound to see some anti anyone(whether it be Christians, Muslims, Jews, Blacks, Whites, etc) posts or news. This kind of energy makes you wonder about the human race. Have we learnt anything from our past? Have we even progressed in the centuries we have been on this Earth? Or are we in the same primitive place we were during those years of hate, of greed, of lack of education? Normally, I would be positive and say we have left those primitive ideas behind and are now united. But recent events have made me realise that we are still full of hate and prejudice. Our biggest issue is that we are selfish. Lives don't matter to us, not unless someone close to us has passed away. It doesn't matter what colour we are, what religion we are or where are from, most humans are all the same: full of hate and prejudice.
Is it too much to ask everyone to live peacefully, and counter today's problems with peace and love rather than hate and anger? Yes, terrorist groups are a problem, but so is poverty, so is racism, so is corruption, so is cancer and Ebola, so is war on innocents all over the world. The government and media take advantage of our hate, pinning us against each other. And instead of being logical, wise and accepting, we seem to fall into their trap. The organisations which are the cause of today's problems will only continue to benefit and cause more problems for the rest of us if we continue this way. We need to get over our selfish selves, and care about humankind as a whole. If we don't, then the problems of terrorism, corruption, poverty, diseases, racism and many more will never end. If humans continue the way we are currently, then one day there will be a third world war and we all will be dead. Honesty, it seems like there are small third world wars going on everyday in various parts of the globe.
This is too much negativity for one post, but it's mainly because as a citizen of this world, I'm frustrated. Who wouldn't be? Every time you open the computer or the television, so and so number of people have died in some country due to racism, terrorism, or whatever issue. Where are you supposed to go to escape this hate ridden world? We need to conquer today's problems, stop hating and spread peace. Yes, there are many people in the world today who preach peace and are not as hateful as I'm making humans out to be. But there isn't enough of them. If there was enough, then we would not be in the mess we are in currently. There would be no racism, no prejudice, no terrorism, no Ebola, no wars, etc. So I appeal to the human race, I appeal to you to forget yourselves for one moment, to let go of your hate and to unite. Be united so that you can counter today's issues. Do something nice for the person you hold prejudices against. Give a gift to someone you dislike at school or work. It's quite simple, just be peaceful and loving.
The world loves to celebrate Valentines Day, well now is the time to make all of humankind your Valentine. Spread love, not hate. Spread love to save humanity, to save each other. It does not matter if you are Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Sikh, Christian, Atheist, black, white, brown, yellow, red or whatever other difference you can think of. Everyone is a human, everyone lives in this beautiful world, everyone should love and care for one another. Because if we don't, then we are not only destroying this world, but are also killing ourselves.
Stop being selfish and hateful, be loving, kind and peaceful. Be peaceful to save yourself, to save ourselves. Be loving to save all of humankind.