Thursday 4 May 2017

Written in response to the mob killing of Mashal Khan. He was attacked because allegations of blasphemy were made against him.

You lie here thinking about the sinking inside your brain of the death and destruction. Continuous hands pulling you down, claws ripping into your heart, scratching at your liberal heart, dragging you down to a dark abyss where people like you are burnt and tortured. Beaten and killed. Dragged along the road while shouts of religious and cultural extremism ring in your ears, clapping loud in a foreboding fervour. Repeated repetition. You do not belong you do not belong you do not belong.
white noise your eyes are bloody your veins are lilac and burnt blue. Draining a piercing red, the same pierces as the weapons and the words and the wounds. Alive or dead no one cares about you. They care about their version of their culture of their version of their religion of their version of their society of their mindset of their of their of their Only theirs. Never yours. Never ours. Blind hate blind fear blinding anger until we are all blind until we have violence engraved in our bloodstreams, in our arteries in the tiny spaghettis of our brains. We kill in that violence we kill in that intolerance in that hatred that we think is right until we don't know who we are anymore, until we have lost ourselves in that quicksand of anger. We are soaking....suffocating...sinking...sinking. Save yourselves, save us, save each other before there's no one to save anymore.

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